Thai Abdominal Massage Workshop

in-person workshop

In this two day workshop we will review the anatomy and physiology of our amazing viscera as we learn to do deep healing abdominal massage surrounded by nature. This class is designed to be of benefit to long time students and practitioners of Thai bodywork as well as folks who are brand new to the modality. It is taught through the Thai medicine lens but can be applied to an otherwise Swedish table massage session. This is truly one of my favorite classes to teach and while the description here is brief, the experience will be deep.

Dates: October 22nd - 23rd
Location: Gresham Oregon
Instructor: nephyr/naj
CEs: 14
Cost: $250.00

This class is an NCBTMB approved CE class
Class size is limited to 10 participants

Please make sure that you read the entire Infectious Disease mitigation protocols before registering.

Black brush stroke drawing of The Buddha in front of red moon/sun